
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 20:13:06
计算机发展及现状 计算机网络是计算机技术和通信技术紧密结合的产物,它涉及到通信与计算机两个领域。它的诞生使计算机体系结构发生了巨大变化,在当今社会经济中起着非常重要的作用,它对人类社会的进步做出了巨大贡献。从某种意义上讲,计算机网络的发展水平不仅反映了一个国家的计算机科学和通信技术水平,而且已经成为衡量其国力及现代化程度的重要标志之一。 自50年代开始,人们及各种组织机构使用计算机来管理他们的信息的速度迅速增长。早期,限于技术条件使得当时的计算机都非常庞大和非常昂贵,任何机构都不可能为雇员个人提供使用整个计算机,主机一定是共享的,它被用来存储和组织数据、集中控制和管理整个系统。所有用户都有连接系统的终端设备,将数据库录入到主机中处理,或者是将主机中的处理结果,通过集中控制的输出设备取出来。它最典型的特征是:通过主机系统形成大部分的通信流程,构成系统的所有通信协议都是系统专有的,大型主机在系统中占据着绝对的支配作用,所有控制和管理功能都是由主机来完成。 随着计算机技术的不断发展,尤其是大量功能先进的个人计算机的问世,使得每一个人可以完全控制自己的计算机,进行他所希望的作业处理,以个人计算机(PC)方式呈现的计算能力发展成为独立的平台,导致了一种新的计算结构---分布式计算模式的诞生。


Computer development and current situation

Computer network is the computer and communication technology, the product of close integration, which involves two areas of communications and computers.It is the birth of the computer architecture has undergone tremendous changes in today's economy plays a very important role in its progress of human society has made great contributions to.In a sense, the level of development of computer networks not only reflects a country's level of computer science and communications technology, but has also become a measure of its strength and the degree of modernization of an important landmark.Since the 50's, people and various organizations use computers to manage their rapid growth rate of the information.Early, limited to the technical conditions for making a computer at that time were very large and very expensive, any institution can not provide the employees to use the entire computer, the host must be shared, it is used